Pacai route

Pažaislis monastery


Audio guide


Pažaislis Monastery is considered to be one of the most beautiful examples of mature Baroque in Northern and Eastern Europe. 
The construction of the Pažaislis Monastery, the Jieznas Church and the reconstruction of the Great Palace in Jieznas took place at the same time, so Pažaislis and Jieznas are twin brothers. What wars and ages have erased in Jieznas, you can still discover in Pažaislis. 
After becoming the great chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and becoming rich, Krzysztof Zygmunt Pacas began to realize his idea - to build a Camaldulian Monastery. In 1664, Pažaislis was chosen for the hermits brought to Lithuania to live. However, Krzysztof Pacas did not have time to see the built monastery - he died in his palace near Warsaw in 1684. The construction was completed by his nephew Mykolas Kazimieras Pacas in 1696. According to the wish in the testament, Krzysztof Pacas, his only son who died in infancy, and his wife were buried in Pažaislis. Before his death, K. Z. Pacas left a legendary testimony of his nobility - he burned all the construction bills of the monastery and the church, saying: "What I have given to God, let Him alone know." 


