In the Vištytis Regional Park, there is Šilelis Educational Trail, which is very popular with tourists, and which leads along the picturesque coast of Vištytis lake, distinguished by the variety of shores - in some places, very declivous slopes can suddenly rise to a height of 50 meters. While traveling along this trail, you can see the "Witch’s broom", hollowed trees, the highest Vištytis fir, the Holy spring, the sufosis circus, visit the viewpoint "The View of the Rominta Forest", and reach the cliff that is popular with visitors. This cliff is a sandy outcrop formed in Šilelis Forest, on the very shore of Vištytis Lake, created by its waves washing the hilly shore. In this place, where the cliff was formed, the slopes of the hills have a great inclination, so the slopes started to go down due to the effect of erosion, and they became more inclined.

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